In Spain, there is the league ACB; it is the most important league in Europe. In this league, there is the best team Regal Barça. Every year, they compete for the Euroleague; it is a tournament of all the teams of Europe that have been classificated.
Welcome to the 3rd ESO blog. In the blog you have different activities that can help you with English. In the lab you will work with the following corners: Internet: Supporting and reinforcement exercises . Web-platform: Webquests exercises. Writing : We produce different textsindividually Magazine : Students´write articles in pairs . TV ; Listening : You will do listening comprehension exercises. Speaking - We reinforce our speaking abilities . We hope you enjoy the Lab !
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Hi we're Anna and Genís and we're going to talk about basketball.We play basketball at school three times a week, and some weekends we play basketball matches at school or other sites, but there are some weekends that we don't play it. In "Setmana Santa" we will go to another site to play a basketball tournament.
In the World of sports, football is one of the most popular games.
You can practise this sport around the world, for example in Spain , Argentina , Brasil , United States , England … In Spain there are different events:
1. League BBVA: these league is made up with Spanish Clubs, in this group the most represented clubs are F.C.Barcelona and Real Madrid
2. Cup: in this event participate teams of the first division and the teams of second division. Last year, the team that won the championship was Sevilla C.F.
3. Champions League: this competition is the most important event in Europe, because it gathers the best teams in old Europe .
But, from our point of view, the champions league is the event that gives more prestige to the teams.
Robert Valls and Gerard Serra
3rd Eso C
Robert Valls and Gerard Serra
3rd Eso C
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Journey to United States of America and London
Travel to the United States of America and London
When we will return home we will stay two days in London to see the London Eye, the Big Ben and the Buckingham Palace .
Arnau Mateu i Marc Llasera 3rB A
This trip will cost 2954€ The letter for the mayor.
Lleida,17th of November,2010
Dear mayor:
I’m writing this letter to complain about the bad condition of the streets; because the other day, while I was walking I slipped and I fell on the floor. Why? Because, that street was very rough, it was night and there weren’t any people in the street. So I had to phone the ambulance. And it took them half and hour to arrive. I couldn’t move, so all this time I was in the floor, in the middle of the street, with my back very painful. When I arrived in the hospital the doctor told me that I couldn’t go to work for two weeks, because I needed to rest at home.
The next day my sister phoned me, and she told me that the last night, she was walking along the same street and suddenly someone stole her wallet. So I want to complain too about the little watch that there are the streets, when we need it more, at night. I hope that from now on, this is going to get better.
Thank you to read it!
from: Furgencia shinislao.
>Aida Yuste & Anna Aguilà. 3r ESO C
The orphanage of Enric.
Once upon a time there was a child named Enric. He was so poor, so he didn’t had a house. He was orphan. One day while he was walking through the streets one car pushed him. It was the president of England. Enric was so surprised and the president said : ‘’Enric, if you don’t say anything about this I will bring you jewels and money’’, so Enric accepted and the president brought him a lot of money and beautiful jewels. Enric became rich , and he started to bought a lot of things. One day, while he was going with his new car he hit one young girl. When he came out the car he saw that it was Aida his friend when he was poor. Then he started to think about this time when he was poor. Then he decided to use his money for help the people and make a place for they. He made an orphanage for all the children that ,like him, don’t had a house could live better.
Aida Manero & Enric Bosch.
A phantom, an inheritance and a piano
Once upon a time, there was the Bosch family. It was formed by the father, Enric, and the two sons, Aida and Anna. They want to buy a house, and searching in the internet they found a very cheap house in the centre of the city, with two floors and a huge garden. They bought the house and went to live there.
They were so rich, and they buy the house. After they had been living there for three years there, the phantom of the house, Martí, kills Enric.
His daughter, Aida, wants to take the inheritance because his mother was dead, so he go to the judge, and he says: “a half part for you and a half part for your sister”.Then, Anna speaks with the phantom and give the haunted house to the phantom in exchange for kill his sister and gave them all the inheritance. The phantom kills Aida, but Anna don´t give the house to the phantom, and the phantom kills Anna. Then, a piano falls on the head of the phantom and the phantom dies. The end.
P.D: The cousin of the uncle of the sister of the grandmother of the father takes the inheritance.
By Anna Finakova and Martí Grau
By Anna Finakova and Martí Grau
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Summer holidays
This summer I went to the beach and to the mountain. In the beach I met a lot of people and I practised surfing. That was very interesting because surf is very exciting. I was playing all the time with my cousins. The last day I went to "Port Aventura" it's a very famous thematic park in Europe . After a few days I went to the mountain, Andorra . In this country there are many different sites: Caldea , Andorra La Vella , The Tobotronc... Andorra is very small but very funny. Last year holidays were the best in my life. I come back to my house and I started to do homework: English, Maths, Science... and in the evening I went to the swimming-pool with my friends. At 7 of September I started school and I saw all my best friends and we spend a fantastic days.
Roger Amorós and Kevin Hernandez
Roger Amorós and Kevin Hernandez
Terror house (Marta Canal Cornudella & Marc Fernández Visa)
One day, a group of children had to do a writing for homework. After school, a group of friends decided to do the writing together. When they met in the weekend they chose the topic of the writing, the topic was the terror house. For help them the father of a student told. Them that there was a house, where an ugly girl died. They decided to go after school. When they arrived in that house the door was closed and the children were afraid. They saw and listened to a girl going down the stairs. The girl was wearing a white dress and she had black hair. They ran very fast, they broke the window and escaped. Next day, the group of children, wrote the story and they gave it to the teacher. The teacher read the story and she put a good mark.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
I' m an expert of halloween
I’m an expert on making boo to children, because I have 4 brothers.
I like the Halloween’s day because I’m really scared of ghost, witches and skeletons.
It is a very nice day because we are all the family together and we explain scary stories and my brothers cries all the time and for me that’s fun.
There are a lot of children in the streets, because it is the night of trick or treat and if you don’t give sweets to the children they draw terrorific pictures on the walls of your house.
This celebration is originally from United States of America , but now this party is celebrated around the world.
This party is for people of all ages but you can see in the street a lot of children dressed up with original and scary costumes.
This party is on 31st of October and 1st of November is All Saints day.
I’m an expert on Halloween.
The music
Hi we are Lluís Surroca and Marc Oliva and we are an experts in music.
Music is art, because you make beauty with the notes.
There are many types of music and all the people like one theme minimum. Some of these types are: Rock music, Classic music, House music, Heavy music…
Classic music is played with a variety of instruments. We play one or two theme in the conservatory of Lleida: the Violin and the cello.
Classic music is a little boring because you must play instruments with very hard scores and you must be attentive and study every day when it’s possible. People make groups of instruments called orchestra, groups of pianos, guitars or percussion. Students of the conservatory can do a second instrument. The rules of music are very hard: Harmony, musical language and the interpretation with a score. When we play a score, we hand it with music stand. Music is our favorite hobby. We play the instruments in the symphony orchestra and we enjoy it with our friends. In Lleida are most important academies in Catalonia , and the conservatory is the most important academy in Lleida.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Hello, we are Alex Escales and Ferran Oró, and our school is Maristes Montserrat Lleida.
I’m an expert on basketball.
Because I play basketball since I was six years to now.
My position in the team is “alero”. “Alero” is the thrower of the team. I play in Maristes Montserrat Lleida.
I play three times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The trainings are from seven to quarter past eight. The match last one hour, a quart of the match last for ten minutes, but in our category the time stops when the ball goes out, the faults, time out and change a player.
I'm an expert (soccer)
Hi, we are Raquel Barrachina and Ivan Pérez.
I’m an expert on soccer.
I’m an expert on soccer.
I need 11 players (minimum), one ball and one referee.
I like playing soccer because my father plays soccer and it’s a popular sport.
We need a football field. You can play from 6 years old. The match is divided into two parts each part lasts forty- five (total of 90 minutes).
There are a lot of popular players in all the world.
Hello, we are Jesús Fernandez and Ingrid Torra, and our school is Maristes Montserrat Lleida. We talk about an exit of this summer, the mundial of football who has played in South Africa . In their final round there were rank 32 national teams of around the world. In the tournament, there are five different rounds, the first round, the quarterfinals, the second quarterfinals, the semi-finals and the final. In this year, 2010 the final was played in Johannesburg , South Africa , in a beautiful match what has played Spain against Holland . There was a match very interesting, because in the minute 113 Andrés Iniesta, the player of the F.C.Barcelona, scored a beautiful goal, and gives the tournament for the Spanish National Team.
I'm an expert
We're Luis Bravo and Ricard Quevedo. We're experts of PS3, of the game "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2", because is the best game of the year. We're experts because the other players of the world are inferior to us, Luis and Ricard. We're winning online of this game, 5.895 points and the level 60 of Prestige 3 (Luis), and 4.996 points and the level 65 of Prestige 2 (Ricard). We're playing PS3 in our houses. We're playing this game 2 hours every day after homework and study (the school first). We're playing "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 because we love this game, but the next weekend, they launch the new "Call of Duty", the Black Ops, is based on the Vietnam war and Freeze War.
Thanks for your attention.
We're Luis Bravo and Ricard Quevedo. We're experts of PS3, of the game "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2", because is the best game of the year. We're experts because the other players of the world are inferior to us, Luis and Ricard. We're winning online of this game, 5.895 points and the level 60 of Prestige 3 (Luis), and 4.996 points and the level 65 of Prestige 2 (Ricard). We're playing PS3 in our houses. We're playing this game 2 hours every day after homework and study (the school first). We're playing "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 because we love this game, but the next weekend, they launch the new "Call of Duty", the Black Ops, is based on the Vietnam war and Freeze War.
Thanks for your attention.
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Hi, today we are going to explain you all that we know about football. Football is a team sport ; in a team , there are 23 players , counting the people that are reposing , but in the pitch there are only 11 players in each team , 1 referee , 2 coaches (the first and the second) and the technical team.
A match lasts 90 minutes , but it has two parts of 45 minutes.
To win the match , one team needs to score more goals than the other team.
You do a goal when you put the ball into the goal , but you need to dodge the goalkepper and the defender.

Marta Bertrand , Marc Luque , Mariona Cartanyà (: !
A match lasts 90 minutes , but it has two parts of 45 minutes.
To win the match , one team needs to score more goals than the other team.
You do a goal when you put the ball into the goal , but you need to dodge the goalkepper and the defender.
And that are the most important things about football.
Marta Bertrand , Marc Luque , Mariona Cartanyà (: !
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Marc Luque,
Mariona Cartanyà 3r eso C,
Marta Bertrand
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
The article is good because it not has mistakes.
I like this article because is good write, and gives information to the lector.
I like this article because my favourite mythology animal is the cracken
The article is good because it not has mistakes.
I like this article because is good write, and gives information to the lector.
I like this article because my favourite mythology animal is the cracken
The mysterious house:
One day, in a mysterious house a boy was playing near there, and he listened to some strange noise and he returned to his mother.
The next day he saw on, that in the mysterious house noise a corpse was found. The boy explained to his mother that the previous day, he was playing near the house and he heard strange noise.
Then Jaime wanted to know what happened on the house, he went there and he rang the door bell.
After three months, Jaime had disappeared, the police found him in the garden.
After intents to discover the mystery of the house, anybody never knew.
Why the two people died?
The article is good because it not has mistakes.
Our favourite hobby is going shopping in our city.
In our city there's a street with many shops with clothes, complements, shoes, etc...
There is a line of shops called H&M, Mango, Zara, Stradivarius, etc, that's the propierty of one man. There is a lot of perfums stores with a lot of products.
Ther are too many shops for men like: Springfield, Pull and Bear, Inside, G-Star, Goumar, etc...
In our city there's a street with many shops with clothes, complements, shoes, etc...
There is a line of shops called H&M, Mango, Zara, Stradivarius, etc, that's the propierty of one man. There is a lot of perfums stores with a lot of products.
Ther are too many shops for men like: Springfield, Pull and Bear, Inside, G-Star, Goumar, etc...
Carrer Major is the most important street in Lleida, and later go shopping there are a lot of cafes, restarurants, and other shops to take away.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Laura Puig i Irina Lobera 3rA
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
The cracken
J.Pablo Vargas, Javi Martínez i Núria Reluy.
The cracken
I was watching TV when suddenly the phone rang. I took it and I hear a voice. It was my friend John, he invited me to go fishing. I start from the beginning.
It was a sunny day, I went with my family to the beach. I met a friend that invited me to go fishing the next day. He told me to be at seven o’clock near the boat. I was exited, I couldn’t sleep during the night. I woke up at six o’clock. I arrived to the boat thirty minutes before. My friend John was there and I met some new friends. At seven o’clock we exit of the port and John explain us how to fish fish. Suddenly arrived a lot of clouds in the sky, appeared waves of two meters. The boat was broking when suddenly appears a cracken and save us. The cracken could talk. We asked him and he told that he save a lot of boats. We told him that year after year we would come to the same place to talk with him.
Year after year John invites me to visit our animal friend.

The game system is about a big variety of rules:
- Steps: after the ball bounced back to take it can't give two steps.
- Doubles: a player can't bounced the ball with both hands at once.
- Zone: the player can't be more than 3 seconds in the area.
- Personal foul: a player come into contact with the opposite in the area.
- Attac foul: the players has the ball can't load to the opposite.
- Technicial foul: is when a player do an impropive action in the match.
- Unsportmanlike foul: the player caused danger at the opposite.
- Feet: the player isn't touch the ball with the feet.
The world championship with the international basketball match in Turkey is the United States of America (USA team).
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Everybody is great at something- write about what you do best.
It could be a hobby, a sport, etc..
It could be a hobby, a sport, etc..
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