Thursday 10 May 2012

Together again

Together again: Leonardo di Caprio Kate Winslet

This article talks about the return of Kate Winslet with Leonardo di Caprio. They’ve made a new film together and a few years ago, they made also Titanic.
The film that they’ve recently made is called
Revolutionary Road
They’ve felt good with each one in these romantic and sentimental films.
The story takes place in the Atlantic Ocean in a big boat called titanic.
The main characters of the film are Leonardo di Caprio and Kate Winslet, because the story talks about their love.
The most interesting thing is that it’s inspired on a real fact.
It happened in 1912.
We have chosen this article because we know some information of Kate Winslet and Leonardo di Caprio (they’re famous actors) and also we’ve seen Titanic.

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