Tuesday 7 February 2012

My Ideas…

Personality: My friend has a strange personality. That’s the reason why he hasn’t got girlfriend. You can’t have the same personality of another because everybody is different.

Dream: Last night, I had a dream with my girlfriend. It was exiting!

Africa: It’s a continent of our world. It is situated in the South Hemisphere. It is very poor.

Storm: It’s a type of weather that consists in a big rain with lightening.

Teacher: It’s a type of job, it consists in teach some subjects to the child. They always are angry and they tell a lot of homework.

Blue: It’s a type of color. It is the same as the sky and the sea.

Small: type of an adjective that means your size.

Run: Last month I ran a marathon in New York. It was so heavy!!!

Albert  Bonet, David Charles, Laia Cuéllar i Joan Clavé

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