Monday, 21 October 2013

Michael Jackson

He was born in 29th of August of 1958 in the United States of America, North America.
He had six brothers and sisters, they formed a boy band that was called Jackson 5.
His first wife was Lisa Marie Presley. He was famous for did the Moon Walk and for did the zombies song of thrille.
In 2009 he did a good documentary of his life which is called "This is it",  this was a hit in all the cinemas of the world.
In 2009 he died in 25th of june being the real king of pop.

Andreu Gómez i Oriol Aguilar
Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was the most intelligent man in the world. He was born in 14th March of 1879.
His firts wife was Mileva Maric. He lived in a lot of places like: Germany, Australy and USA (United States of America). 
He discovered the photoelectric effect (it was a very important discovery). Also he discovered the theory of relativity. 
He won the Nobel Prize in 1921, and he died in 18th April of 1955.

By Núria Pijuan and Clara Oliva.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Marilyn Monroe


Marilyn, was born 1st June of 1926.Her first career was working as a model.
She wad got three husbands, the last was Arthur Miller. She was very unreliable and difficult.
She was a very beautiful woman and all the society remembers this character of the fashion.All the people that remembers Marilyn know that she was blond, very blond. She star in the show “How to marry a Millionaire”.

She died on 5th August 1962.

Aleix Mostany and Maria Palau

Friday, 4 October 2013


She was born on the 69 Before Christ, and she died the12th of August 30 Before Christ. She became Egyp's Queen very early, when she was just 18 years old, her father, Ptolemy was living during the I centuary Before Jesus. She was a Queen that she went to fight in the wars. She also had a long relationship with Julius Cesar, but Cesar just wanted her for her men that went to the wars.But some years before that, she had been to Alexandria with Mark Anthony. During the Cleopatria's shine age, she was a very powerful Queen until she died, as we said it was on the 12th of August of 30 Befor Christ.

We choose Cleopatria because she was a very important Egyp's Queen that everyone have to know something about her.

Martí Mateu, Carla Camacho & Pere Trepat